Even the Largest Farm Stands Are Small Businesses . Let's Support Our Local Farmers !

Even the Largest Farm Stands Are Small Businesses . Let's Support Our Local Farmers  !

December 2016

December 2016
Check here for GrowNY's Greenmarket Maps for Union Square: http://www.grownyc.org/unionsquaregreenmarket

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rained Out???On the Contrary!! Everyone is Here With Beautiful Produce!!

Well, I got good and soaked, but I also got gorgeous tomatoes and peaches, fresh delicious beans, raspberries, potatoes, salad greens, garlic, and corn!! Stokes is here with herbs, heirloom tomatoes, squash, peppers, and potatoes. Berried Treasures has cranberry, pink butter, and other unique shelling beans, as well as tasty raspberries, Tri-Star strawberries, haricots verts, yellow Romano beans, husk tomatoes, and flowers. Windfall has gorgeous edible flowers, including bean blossoms, and zucchini flowers, as well as various sizes of squash and many micro greens and salad greens. Two Guys has salad greens and sprouts.

Mountain Sweet Berry has lambs quarters, wild arugula, and Spiguello broccoli. Stokes, Oak Grove, Cherry Lane, Sycamore, Eckerton, and others have succulent heirloom tomatoes and hot and sweet peppers, and Keith has excellent organic heirloom tomatoes, salad greens, herbs, sorrel, and Rocambole garlic.

Locust Grove, Oak Grove, Terhune, and others have yellow and white peaches, and Madura and Bulich have several varieties of mushroom. Caradonna has peaches, plums, and corn. Many other farmers, including Oak Grove, Sycamore, and others also have corn. You'll also find great breads, including Cayuga's whole wheat bread. Cayuga also has dried beans, grains, and flours.

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