Even the Largest Farm Stands Are Small Businesses . Let's Support Our Local Farmers !

Even the Largest Farm Stands Are Small Businesses . Let's Support Our Local Farmers  !

December 2016

December 2016
Check here for GrowNY's Greenmarket Maps for Union Square: http://www.grownyc.org/unionsquaregreenmarket

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Many of your favorite stands are here today, some in different spaces

See this map for who's here and where their stands are:http://www.grownyc.org/files/gmkt/usqmaps/unsq-sat.pdf

Berried Treasures is here with potatoes, tomatoes(!), wreaths, and a selection of vegan and gluten free prepared foods.
Lani's Turmeric
Beth's Farm Kitchen
Paffenroth has a wide variety of root and other vegetables.  Miglorelli has apples, pears, and vegetables and cider.  S&SO still has their bargain selections of hot peppers and Northshire, Hoeffner, and others have gorgeous winter vegetables. Lani has many kinds of shelled beans, as well as fresh turmeric, ginger, and peanuts.
Mountain Sweet Berry wreaths
There are stands with chickens, ducks (Hudson Valley Duck Farm), and chicken and duck products. Hudson Valley Organic has good-looking cranberries as does Breezy Hill, and there are several stands with pies, donuts, and other baked goods.
Stokes mixed bouquets of herbs (sage,thyme,rosemary)
Check out these pictures to see who's here and what they've brought:

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