Even the Largest Farm Stands Are Small Businesses . Let's Support Our Local Farmers !

Even the Largest Farm Stands Are Small Businesses . Let's Support Our Local Farmers  !

December 2016

December 2016
Check here for GrowNY's Greenmarket Maps for Union Square: http://www.grownyc.org/unionsquaregreenmarket

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Things are starting to wind down -- stands and produce are disappearing -- but there are plenty of good vegetables, fruits, and other items still here.

I found a few stands with good tomatoes -- you might have to set them out for a couple of days, but they do look tasty -- particularly at Cherry Lane, Eckerton, and Norwich Meadows. 
Quattro's smoked poultry and pheasant sausages
 There are plenty of peppers at Norwich, Eckerton, Oak Grove, and others.  There are beautiful winter squashes and pumpkins, grapes, ciders,  apples,  and pears everywhere, and Locust Grove has quinces.
Norwich sauce tomatoes
To see these and other stands and produce: http://tinyurl.com/qznpgef
Lani's fresh mung beans!

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